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The PlatyPS module will look at the output of Get-Help -Module <your-module> and then generate markdown files representing the existing documentation available in the module. If the commands are missing some, or all documentation, you'll find placeholders like {{ Fill in the Description }}.


I didn't have to think about what kind of sample module to use for this workshop for long before landing on dad jokes. You can run PlatyPS against any PowerShell module for practice, but to keep things easy, copy and paste the following commands into PowerShell while at the root of this repository:

$moduleParams = @{
    Path              = New-Item ./sandbox/dadjokes/dadjokes.psd1 -Force
    RootModule        = 'dadjokes.psm1'
    Description       = 'Get dad jokes from the API.'
    FunctionsToExport = 'Get-DadJoke', 'Find-DadJoke'

New-ModuleManifest @moduleParams

class DadJoke {

function Get-DadJoke {
    Gets a dad joke from the API.

    Gets a dad joke from the API.

    Specifies an optional joke Id.


    Gets a dad joke, but can't help you "get" the dad joke.


    param (

    process {
        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = $script:api.BaseUri
            Headers     = @{
                'Accept'     = $script:api.Format['json']
                'User-Agent' = $script:api.UserAgent
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        try {
            while ([datetime]::Now -lt $script:api.WaitUntil) {
                Write-Verbose 'Waiting a bit between requests. Be kind to free APIs <3'
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
            [DadJoke](Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams | Select-Object Id, Joke)
            $script:api.WaitUntil = [datetime]::Now.Add($script:api.Interval)
        } catch {

function Find-DadJoke {
    param (
        $Term = ''

    process {
        $query = @{
            page  = 1
            limit = 20 # Max: 30
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Term)) {
            $query.term = $Term
        $irmParams = @{
            Headers     = @{
                'Accept'     = $script:api.Format['json']
                'User-Agent' = $script:api.UserAgent
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        do {
            try {
                $irmParams.Uri = buildUri -BaseUri $script:api.BaseUri -Path 'search' -Query $query
                while ([datetime]::Now -lt $script:api.WaitUntil) {
                    Write-Verbose 'Waiting a bit between requests. Be kind to free APIs <3'
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                $page = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams
                $script:api.WaitUntil = [datetime]::Now.Add($script:api.Interval)
                Write-Verbose ("current_page = {0}; next_page = {1}; total_pages = {2}; total_jokes = {3}" -f $page.current_page, $page.next_page, $page.total_pages, $page.total_jokes)
                if ($page.results.Count -gt 0) {
            } catch {
        } while ($page.next_page -eq (++$

$script:api = @{
    BaseUri   = ''
    UserAgent = 'PSHSummit docs-workshop ('
    Format = @{
        json = 'application/json'
        text = 'text/plain'
        html = 'text/html'
    WaitUntil = [datetime]::MinValue
    Interval  = [timespan]::FromSeconds(1)

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DadJoke, Find-DadJoke -Alias Invoke-StevenJudd
'@ | Set-Content -Path ./sandbox/dadjokes/dadjokes.psm1

Import-Module ./sandbox/dadjokes/ -PassThru